Meaning of ‘As Busy As a Bee’
The expression ‘as busy as a bee’ or ‘busy bee’ means to be very busy with work. It refers to someone that has many tasks to complete, similar to how bees are always flying around and working hard.
Example: Walt was invited to go swimming on Friday, but he politely declined the offer because he has work to do that day. Yes, he will be a busy bee come Friday. In other words, he will have a lot to do.
Similar Phrases: busy bee (shortened form), having a lot on one’s plate, having one’s hands full, spreading oneself too thin, in over one’s head
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Origin of ‘As Busy As a Bee’
This phrase likely originates from something that bees are known for: being busy and hard workers. Indeed, but what are bee busy doing, exactly?
For one, they pollinate plants. In order to reproduce, many plants actually depend on bees for pollination. How so? For a flower to reproduce, the stamen (the male organ of a flower) has to produce pollen, and then that pollen needs to get to the stigma of the pistil (the female organ of a flower). How does the pollen get there?
With the help of busy bees! You see, when a bee lands on a flower, the pollen sticks to the hairs of its body. Then, when the bee lands on another flower of the same type, the pollen makes contact with the stigma of the flower, and thus pollination occurs. So while bees are buzzing around from plant to plant, they’re doing quite a bit of work—they are busy bees indeed.
In addition, bees collect nectar (a sugary liquid that flowers produce) and use it to make honey. And did I mention they also have to build hives to live in? Alright, you get it, they have a lot of work to do.
Anyway, how old is this saying? It goes back to at least the 14th century. A man named Geoffrey Chaucer was the author of a book called The Canterbudy Tales, which is believed to have been written between the years 1387 and 1400. There is a part from the book that reads:
“In wommen been! for ay as bisy as bees.”
Example Sentences
Here are some usage cases of the phrase ‘as busy as a bee.’
Example Sentences:
1. I should get a good night’s sleep, because I am going to be as busy as a bee tomorrow.
2. I’m going to be a busy bee this morning.
Example Sentences Using Similar Idioms:
1. She has a lot on her plate right now because she’s getting ready for the big event tomorrow.
2. Between cleaning the house and making dinner, I have my hands full at the moment.
3. I’m in over my head because I don’t think I can finish this project in time.