Below is a list of commonly used phrases and sayings in English starting with the letter W. Click on one of the expressions for further details. You can learn about their origin and more!
‘W‘ – Sayings
Wake Up Call
An occurrence of sorts that brings a problem to somebody’s attention and they realize it needs fixing.
Watched Pot Never Boils – A
This is an older saying that means when we focus on something that we’re waiting for, time can feel like it’s passing by very slowly.
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Things that go up must eventually return to the earth due to the force of gravity.
What Am I, Chopped Liver?
A rhetorical question used by a person who feels they are being given less consideration than someone else.
When The Rubber Hits The Road
When a theory or idea is put to the test in a real situation to see if it works or not.
Wild Goose Chase
Futilely pursuing something that will never be attainable. Similar to other sayings in English, such as “going around in circles.”
With a Grain of Salt
If you take information you hear ‘with a grain of salt,’ that means you don’t take it too seriously.
Wouldn’t Harm a Fly
Nonviolent; someone who is mild or gentle.