Meaning of ‘Burst Your Bubble’
The phrase ‘burst your bubble’ means hearing information that brings you sudden disappointment, often because it shatters a misconception you had. Basically, it describes those moments where you’re feeling good, but then you receive unexpected bad news that sours your mood.
Example: She was really looking forward to her beach vacation, but her bubble was burst after finding out her flight was delayed.
Similar Phrases: bearer of bad news, bring you down to the earth, rain on your parade, ruin the fun
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Origin of ‘Burst Your Bubble’
The everyday expression ‘burst your bubble’ could originate from the sense of disappointment people feel when their literal bubbles pop. But before we get into that, let’s first look at how old this idiom is.
The phrase’s figurative meaning first appeared in the late 1860s, making it over 150 years old. For example, it is found in the newspaper Anglo American Times, in 1869:
“They actually strove to fasten on the President, and the very Treasury which had designedly burst their bubble, complicity with the design, and so openly, boldly, and circumstantially was this done, that some people were for a moment staggered by the attack on the Executive.”
Did This Phrase Come From Blowing Bubbles?
It’s likely that this phrase comes from the pastime of blowing bubbles, which is a fun activity kids do with their parents. When blowing bubbles, a common goal people have is keeping them afloat for as long as possible. This is especially true for the really big ones you might get, since they are extra special.
Keeping the bubbles in the air is fun and exciting, but eventually they will bump into something and pop. When that happens, the thrill of it all is brought to a sudden, disappointing end. Therefore, could this amusing pastime be the origin of the idiom ‘burst your bubble’ and the source of how it acquired its meaning of ‘to suddenly ruin someone’s excitement’? It certainly could be the case.
Examples of ‘Burst Your Bubble’ In Sentences
1. Sorry to burst your bubble, John, but I won’t be able to pay you back the money I owe you until next month.
2. I hate to burst your bubble, especially since I know you’re excited about the concert, but the tickets are already sold out.
Example Sentences That Use Similar Idioms:
1. I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I think the plan you came up with might not work as expected.
2. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but your car’s window was rolled down during the storm last night.
3. Sorry to ruin the fun for everyone, but the party has just been cancelled.