Meaning of ‘Calm Before The Storm’
The expression ‘calm before the storm‘ refers to a peaceful period that comes just before a time of trouble, chaos, or difficulty. Basically, it means that things may be quiet at the moment, but trouble is soon to follow.
Example: When he agreed to babysit for the evening, it felt like the calm before the storm—nice and quiet now, but he knew the kids would be full of energy and that things were going to get louder.
Similar Phrases: calm before the chaos, the lull (or quiet) before the storm, turbulent times ahead
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Origin of ‘Calm Before The Storm’
This phrase likely originates from a weather phenomenon. That is, sometimes there is a calm, or serene period that comes shortly before a storm hits an area. Perhaps you have experienced something like this before. There are dark clouds filling the sky, yet things appear tranquil—no wind is blowing, no rain is falling; the air is still and quiet. It looks as though even the birds packed their bags and left.
However, this is the ‘calm before the storm,’ because shortly after, the wind picks up and rain starts to fall. Yes, the storm arrives! This sort of weather occurrence is thus applied figuratively to other situations that are like that. More specifically, situations that have a calm period that leads into a louder, more chaotic one (like in the example above with Logan).
Anyway, how old is this expression? It was in use hundreds of years ago, so quite old I’d say. For example, this phrase makes an appearance in the play The Dumb Knight, written by Lewis Machin and Gervase Markham, around 1601:
Fast lock’d in her bed, with a close ward to devour thee my brave paraquito; but hush, no words, there is a calm before the tempest.”
Looking at the quote, you may have noticed the word ‘tempest’ is used in the phrase instead of ‘storm.’ Both words pretty much mean the same thing. Thus, this saying looks like it’s at least 410 years old.
Example Sentences
1. I don’t feel too bad at the moment, but I am worried this might be the calm before the storm, and my symptoms could get worse later.
2. The restaurant is fairly quiet during lunch, but that’s just the lull before the storm—once dinner time rolls around, it fills up quickly and things get very busy.