If a person is making a mountain out of a molehill, it means they are exaggerating. In other words, they are taking a minor issue and turning it into a bigger problem than it really is.
Example: Carl forgot to wash the dishes last night, so when his wife woke up and saw dirty plates in the sink, she got very upset with him. Hence one might say she made a mountain out of a molehill.
1. Blow out of proportion
2. Going overboard
3. Making something out of nothing
4. Overreact
5. Spread on thick

The Origin Of ‘Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill’
The origin of the saying “making a mountain out of a molehill” is unclear, but what is known is that it’s over 350 years old. For instance, the expression is seen in a lexicon book by James Howell from the year 1660. This book contains many proverbs from different languages and there’s a part from it that reads:
“Making mountains of molehill.”
Of note, Wikipedia states that this saying was used in a book published in 1548 called “The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the newe testamente” translated in part by Nicholas Udall:
The Sophistes of Grece coulde through their copiousness make an Elephant of a flye, and a mountaine of a mollehill.
I couldn’t find the above mentioned quote in the book, but I might have missed it. If the expression was indeed used in that year, that means the phrase is at least over 470 years old!
The Idea
This phrase highlights how people overreact sometimes. Basically, the idea is that a person is taking a small issue (represented by the molehill in the idiom) and turning it into a bigger issue (represented by the mountain). For example, if someone dropped their ice-cream cone on the ground, while annoying, it’s not that big of deal. However, if they started getting super angry over it and throwing a fit, well, then they are making a mountain out of a molehill, as the saying goes.
Example Sentences
- Deacon wanted to make stuffed green peppers for dinner, but he was missing some of the necessary ingredients. Once he realized, he became frustrated and pouty, making a mountain out of a molehill.
Similar Example:
- My cooking isn’t that bad, you’re exaggerating.
- You described the temperature outside as freezing, but feeling it for myself, I think you are blowing it out of proportion.
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