If you are on the same page as someone else, that means you both have similar opinions or feelings on something.
Example: I enjoy listening to electronic music, but my brother likes the more classical stuff. I guess you could say we aren’t on the same page when it comes to music.
1. Great minds think alike
2. On the same boat
3. On the same wavelength

The Origin Of ‘On The Same Page’
The origin of the phrase “on the same page” is unclear. It may stem from schools because it’s often necessary for the teachers and students to be on identical pages in their workbooks. Another idea for where this expression comes from is business meetings, since books might be used there and everyone would need to be on the same page.
So those are the ideas about this phrase’s origin. Now, let’s talk about how old it is. This saying looks like it originated recently, as the earliest I could find it in print is the 1970s. For example, it appears in the Corona Daily Independent newspaper, 1974:
“I think we can beat Washington and whichever team we play next to get into the Super Bowl. If 47 players and our coaches are all on the same page, we can do it.”
Tip: Once you’re finished reading about this saying, you can look through our list of phrases beginning with “O” to find more. Well, if you want to. Know Your Phrase has hundreds of sayings to explore!
Example Sentences
- We both want to paint our house green, so we’re on the same page there, but now we need to decide on which shade of green.
Similar Example:
- I went to get a sub sandwich with my friend and we both ordered the same thing! It seems our taste in sandwiches is on the same wavelength.
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